
Flexible, lightweight, durable, and eco-friendly liquid packaging solutions.


Bags, boxes, and accessories in a range of sizes and configurations.


Hand-filling stands to high-speed machines and everything in between.


Everything you need to get the most from your flexible packaging inventory.

Product Development

Custom flexible packaging solutions to promote and protect your products.

Custom Printing

Full-color pouch printing to showcase your product and billboard your brand.


High-quality, affordable, and dependable filling equipment and services.

Wine & Spirits

Earth-friendly packaging that helps beverages cool faster and stay fresher longer.


Flexible growlers that fill faster, store smarter, and cost less than glass.

Cold Brew Coffee

Sustainable packaging that provides the highest coffee-to-packaging ratio. 


Innovative packaging to protect and preserve foods and condiments.


Eco-friendly packaging for sodas, seltzers, juices, cocktails, and more.


Cost- and space-saving packaging for industrial cleaners and household chemicals.

Thinking outside the bottle

With summer heating up, wine lovers are hitting the trails, kayaking on the Russian River and heading to music festivals. And increasingly, vintners are finding innovative ways to help consumers take their wines along.

Higher-end wineries are starting to sell wines in boxes, bags, cans and pouches designed for on-the-go consumers. They are finding the stigma of selling wine without a traditional bottle or a cork is receding as the Millennial generation comes of age and packaging technology improves.

By Cathy Bussewitz

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